Working Papers:
The Evolution of Child-Related Gender Inequality in Germany and The Role of Family Policies, 1960-2018, joint with Ulrich Glogowsky, Emanuel Hansen and Holger Lüthen, September 2024.
Quantifying Okun’s Leaky Bucket: The Case of Progressive Childcare Subsidies, joint with David Koll, Fabian Stürmer-Heiber and Hélène Turon, June 2024.
Optimal Redistribution: Rising Inequality vs. Rising Living Standards, joint with Axelle Ferriere and Philipp Grübener, May 2024.
Universal Versus Target Preschools: A Mechanism Design Perspective, joint with Brant Abbott, April 2017.
Social Mobility in Germany, joint with Majed Dodin, Sebastian Findeisen, Lukas Henkel and Paul Schüle, October 2023. Accepted at Journal of Public Economics
Tweet, VoxEU
The Indirect Fiscal Benefits of Low-Skilled Immigration, joint with Mark Colas, September 2022.
Accepted at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
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Who should bear the burden of COVID-19 related fiscal pressure? An optimal income taxation perspective, joint with Mehmet Ayaz, Lea Fricke and Clemens Fuest, November 2022. forthcoming at European Economic Review
Pareto-Improving Reforms of Tax Deductions, joint with Sebastian Koehne, December 2021.
forthcoming at European Economic Review.
Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid, joint with Mark Colas and Sebastian Findeisen. Journal of Political Economy, 129(2), 2021, p.492-533. Online Appendix.
Tweet, VoxEU, Minneapolis FED Article
Inheritance Taxation and Wealth Effects on the Labor Supply of Heirs, joint with Fabian Kindermann and Lukas Mayr. Journal of Public Economics, 191, 2020, Article 104127.
Tweet, VoxEU
Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium, joint with Aleh Tsyvinski and Nicolas Werquin. Econometrica, 88(2), 2020, p. 469-493. (Older version with additional results)
Education Policies and Taxation without Commitment, joint with Sebastian Findeisen.
Redistribution and Insurance with Simple Tax Instruments, joint with Sebastian Findeisen. Journal of Public Economics 146, 2017, p.58-78. Older Version.
Education and Optimal
Dynamic Taxation: The Role of Income-Contingent Student Loans, joint with Sebastian Findeisen. Journal of Public Economics 138, 2016, p. 1-21.
Identifying Laffer Bounds: A Sufficient-Statistics Approach with an Application to Germany, joint with Normann Lorenz.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 118(4), 2016, p.646-665. Excel-File. Older Version.